Monday, October 16, 2006

E-Mail Problems - Vol.2

The following is a conversation held between the Admin and a self declared "Master of Computing":


DU: I can't open my e-mail.
Ad: What's the problem - no password?
DU: No, it doesn't even ask for a password.
<Admin looks over the shoulder of DU - and internally breaks into hysterical laughter - the screen of the DU shows an IE window with as web address>

Ad: Eh. Try going to .
DU: And then?
Ad: Click on e-mail and use you username & password to login.
DU: Can't see e-mail.
Ad: Upper right of page.
DU: Ah, yes, now it's ok.
Ad: Thanks God.
<Another satisfied customer gg>


Anonymous said...

These aren't even worth posting.

You owe the Oracle two lagers and some pimple cream for the PFY.

Sir Aragorn said...

dude: don't like it - don't read it - feel free to leave - and no - it's no copies from any other site - this is RL

The Admin